Table 2. Observed counts for Iota Ori (O9 III, V = 2.77, E(B-V) = 0.07, M(v) = -5.6, r = 494 pc)

                     Copernicus Counts (14 sec)
  Wavelength          U1           V1           U2¹         V2

1000 Å (2000 Å)     11,000²     (14,500)                 (22,500) 
1100   (2400  )     15,500      (17,000²)     28,000     (43,000) 
1200   (2800  )      6,500      (13,000)       9,000     (40,000)
1400   (3000  )      5,500      (14,500)       9,600     (44,000)

Table 3. Observed counts for Beta Cen (B1 III, V = 0.62, E(B-V) = 0.02, M(v) = -4.0, r = 81 pc)

                     Copernicus Counts (14 sec)
  Wavelength          U1           V1           U2¹         V2

1000 Å (2000 Å)     26,000                               (90,000)
1100   (2400  )     72,000                   132,000    (230,000)
1200   (2800  )     35,000                    56,000    (230,000)
1400   (3000  )      1,500                     5,100        --

Table 4. Observed counts for Eta CMa (B5 Ia, V = 2.46, E(B-V) = 0.02, M(v) = -7.0, r = 762 pc)

                     Copernicus Counts (14 sec)
  Wavelength          U1           V1           U2¹³        V2

1000 Å (2000 Å)      150²                                 (7,000) 
1100   (2400  )      700                        840      (16,000)
1200   (2800  )      200                        360      (20,000)
1400   (3000  )       50                        130      (28,000)

Table 5. Observed counts for Beta Lib (B8 V, V = 2.61, E(B-V) = -0.02, M(v) = +0.1, r = 83 pc)

                     Copernicus Counts (14 sec)
  Wavelength          U1           V1           U2¹³        V2

1000 Å (2000 Å)       20                                  (6,000)
1100   (2400  )      250                        420       (9,000²)
1200   (2800  )      110                        420²     (10,000) 
1400   (3000  )       -                          90         --

¹Roughly corrected for stray light by the subtraction of 40% of the observed counts.

²Value obtained by linear interpolation between nearby points.

³U2 continuum count rates for later spectral types are significantly affected by line blanketing, and the ratio U1/U2 is spuriously low.