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The Multimission Archive at STScI Newsletter

November 22, 2002 Space Telescope Science Institute Volume 13

The Multimission Archive at STScI (MAST) Newsletter disseminates information to users of the HST, FUSE, IUE, Copernicus, EUVE, HUT, UIT, WUPPE, IMAPS, BEFS, TUES and VLA-FIRST data archives supported by MAST. Inquiries should be sent to

Index of Contents
Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 Associations
First Treasury Program High-level Science Products Available
New MAST Interface
Automatic Archive Registration
FUSE Quick-Look Previews and New "Minimal" Retrieval Option
Proposal Information Available for EUVE Observations

Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 Associations

MAST, in collaboration with the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC) and the Space Telescope European Coordination Facility (ST-ECF), announces the availability of Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) Associations. These associations are co-added, cosmic-ray-rejected WFPC2 images and provide researchers with an important new archive tool for data mining, proposal preparation, and basic astronomical research.

MAST, CADC, and ST-ECF have released this tool simultaneously on November 8, 2002. Users may access the WFPC2 association retrieval interface at any of the three archive centers, namely: CADC MAST ST-ECF.

Over 16,000 combined images, created using algorithms developed at CADC, are available in this initial release. More details are available at the above World Wide Web (WWW) sites and in the article by David Schade et al. in this issue. The library of available co-added data will be augmented simultaneously at all three sites on a regular basis. Future releases will also provide the association (ASN) files which will enable users to use the PyDrizzle algorithm to create their own co-added images.

An example of the improvement afforded by the WFPC2 associations is given in the figure shown at the above mentioned WWW sites. The figure compares a portion of a single WFPC2 F814W image of the Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S) to the combined, cleaned association of eight exposures.

First Treasury Program High-level Science Products Available

In the Summer 2002 issue of this Newsletter we announced the opportunity for users to contribute high-level science products (HLSP) to MAST. HLSP are defined as fully processed images and spectra as well as ancillary products such as object catalogs. The WFPC2 associations discussed above are examples of HLSP already in MAST. We expect the Hubble Treasury, Archival Legacy, and Large programs established in Cycle 11 to be the main sources of new HLSP.

Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) observations from the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS; See the GOODS Website) constitute one of the Cycle 11 Treasury Programs. The first HLSP from the GOODS program were delivered to MAST at the beginning of October and made available the archive's anonymous ftp site. These "best effort" processed data represent preliminary results from the GOODS survey (Version 0.5), and will eventually be supplemented by deeper images combining all epochs of observation. These initial HLSP include pipeline-processed, cosmic-ray cleaned, drizzled and co-added images of each "tile" of the CDF-S field in the B, V, i, and z bands. The images have also been corrected for the geometrical distortions introduced by the ACS and have been put onto the Guide Star Catalog-2 (GSC-2) astrometrical reference system. More details on the data reduction process can be found in the file h_goods_s1v05_rdm.txt in the ftp directory.

As of November 15 2002, almost 75 gigabytes of GOODS HLSP have been retrieved to more than 170 different hosts. MAST is developing ways to ensure that these and other HLSP will be easily discovered from all available search methods, including the regular HST search interface and the mission cross-correlation tool.

New MAST Interface

MAST has new WWW search interfaces. While they provide much of the functionality of the previous interfaces, they also include some new features, and will make it easier to add the features some of our users have been asking for. Here is a sample of what is new:

  • Two user-defined query fields, that let users query any field in a mission's catalog;
  • An output-column selector that lets users add, remove, change the order of, and reset output columns;
  • A choice of output format: HTML, spreadsheet (excel), or comma separated list;
  • A "distinct" option, for eliminating duplicate rows (for example, to see only the distinct proposal IDs);
  • Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) preview images, as they become available;
  • Spectral co-plotting for most missions that have spectra. This does not include Hubble yet.

There are some little enhancements too, like a highlighted search button, total number of results reported, angular separation calculated for all missions, etc. Over the next few months we will be adding new functionality that users have frequently asked for. Here is what is on tap for the near future:

  • Multiple input targets;
  • Better cross-mission capabilities;
  • Paging through long lists of results;
  • Serendipitous discovery of High-Level Science Products, like the GOODS ACS data;
  • More interoperability with other data centers, and Vizier;
  • MyPortal-style customizations.

Give the new interface a try and let us know what you think. And if you have any suggestions for new functionality, we would be glad to hear them. As usual, send your comments to

Here are links to the new search interface URLs: HST,   FUSE,   FUSE/exposure,   IUE,   EUVE,   HUT,   UIT,   WUPPE,   BEFS,   TUES,   Copernicus,   Copernicus/coadd

Automatic Archive Registration for HST and FUSE Data

MAST has automatised the process of registration to access Hubble and FUSE data. By filling out the WWW registration form, available at, new users will immediately receive a confirmation e-mail with their archive username and password, which will allow them to start retrieving Hubble and FUSE data. Registration will now be done without human intervention and therefore it will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This should make access to Hubble and FUSE data faster.

FUSE Quick-Look Previews and New "Minimal" Retrieval Option

The FUSE Project has just begun to reprocess all their data through a new processing pipe-line, with preview plots being generated as new data products. As the data are processed and become public, MAST will make these comprehensive previews available. An example of the new FUSE previews may be seen at:

The reprocessing effort will take several months to complete, so in the interim, the FUSE project will generate a simple quick-look preview from the existing archive, to use until the data are reprocessed. MAST expects delivery of these quick-looks in early December, when they will be made available via the FUSE search interface.

At MAST request, the FUSE project has decided upon an agreed package of "minimum recommended data files" for users who do not want to receive unneeded files. Additions are being implemented to the FUSE query options web page

Proposal Information Available for EUVE Observations

Researchers may now perform string searches on EUVE proposal abstracts using the interface at: Easy access to proposal information is also available through the new EUVE search interface. When a user clicks on the proposal ID in the search results page, a program page is displayed listing the title, investigator, abstract, any papers using data acquired for the program and a list of the data acquired for the program.

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